TidalWatt has developed underwater turbines that are 60 times more powerful than wind turbines. Video. tidalwatt.com

TidalWatt has developed underwater turbines that are 60 times more powerful than wind turbines. Video.

Anna Velyka

Developers talk about a breakthrough in the field of RES

The Brazilian company TidalWatt has created a new generation of underwater turbines that generate free energy using strong ocean currents. Their power is 60 times higher than that of wind turbines.

Information about this innovative development is available on the company's website.

These eco-friendly devices harness the energy of ocean currents, generating 5 MW of power with a turbine that is only 3 meters in diameter. For comparison, a wind turbine with a similar capacity should have a diameter of 180 meters. In addition, underwater turbines operate almost 90% of the time, while wind turbines operate only 30%.

The developers claim that their mechanisms are absolutely harmless to marine life. Moreover, the massive underwater structures make trawling impossible and create ecological reserves, contributing to the emergence of artificial reefs.

"The world's oceans are a vast source of renewable energy that is always more predictable than wind and solar energy. I see the ocean as a huge vein of gold, the wealth of which is far more important to the well-being of humanity than precious metal. It's time to stop despising this wealth of the ocean, because now there are technologies that make it possible to use it in an ecologically clean, responsible and efficient way," says TidalWatt founder Mauricio Otaviano de Queiros.

The distinguishing feature of these turbines is their predictability, which is added to their many advantages, such as the surface area they occupy, their impact or their technological details.

"Being 3,600 times smaller in terms of coverage area, our turbines can produce three times more energy," says the company's CEO.

TidalWatt turbines are designed to operate in areas with currents that average over one knot. One underwater turbine can provide electricity for about 22,800 families.

In May, EcoPolitic told that it was American startup AirLoom Energy plans implement a fundamentally new approach to wind energy, replacing massive turbines on top of 100-meter towers with an oval-shaped structure only 25 m high.

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