SPP supplies water to Sumy during blackouts. Photos and video ecoclubrivne.org

SPP supplies water to Sumy during blackouts. Photos and video

Anna Velyka

Local authorities and residents are satisfied with the result and plan to expand it

In Sumy, a solar power plant (SPP) was installed at the water intake, which allowed the water utility to operate uninterruptedly for 4 hours during the recent blackout.

The NGO Ecoclub shared the community's experience in installing a solar power plant.

The local SPP has been operating for over 2 months. It consists of panels (capacity 100.57 kWh) and batteries (capacity 81.6 kWh). The batteries work together to accumulate excess electricity.

An international humanitarian organization financed the installation of the solar power plant for the community. In total, from May 1 to July 8, the station generated 25.32 MWh of electricity, which saved more than UAH 210 thousand, which can be used for other energy efficiency projects.

The Sumy community calculated that the capacity of a solar power plant is 1.3 MW to ensure the stable operation of three water intakes and treatment facilities. The local government is looking for sources of funding for such an expansion. She is also looking for partners to equip social facilities with solar panels.

In Sumy, 3 other projects for the installation of SES have already been implemented:

  • the first – with a capacity of 60 kW on the roof of the city clinical hospital. It became operational in June 2023. The funds for the installation were collected as part of a fundraising campaign, part of which was co-financed from the community budget.


Photo: ecoclubrivne.org

  • the second – with a capacity of 7 kW for heating the greenhouse in the botanical garden. Installed with grant funds.


Photo: ecoclubrivne.org

  • the third – with a capacity of 60 kW for a children's hospital. It was installed with grant funds from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). The station became operational in December 2023, and with the funds from the community budget, batteries were purchased, which ensure the operation of the infectious department at night.

In addition, since 2015, the Sumy community has been a signatory of the European Commission's "Agreement of Mayors" initiative. Last year, the residents of Sumy renewed their commitment by joining the "Agreement of Mayors on Climate and Energy" initiative, according to which they plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35% by 2030. In order to achieve this, the local authorities have planned measures to increase the energy efficiency of buildings and the further development of RES.

In May, EcoPolitic told that solar power plants save Ukrainians from power outages during the day.

We also reported that during 2023-2024 the state will provide 270 Ukrainian medical facilities with solar power plants. Yes, there is an example when in March of this year in Kharkiv SES and generator provided operation of the hospital during the blackout.

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