Ecology — latest ecology news

A comic book was created in Ukraine about Russia's war ecocrimes
A comic book was created in Ukraine about Russia's war ecocrimes

The comic should draw the attention of young people to the problems of ecocide in Ukraine

Solving Crimea's eco-problems is possible only after its liberation – expert
Solving Crimea's eco-problems is possible only after its liberation – expert

The damage to the ecology of Crimea is caused in particular as a result of the ever-increasing militarization of the peninsula due to the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine

Which candles are safe to use during power outages
Which candles are safe to use during power outages

Eco-activists advised to choose candles without fragrances

Ecocide in Ukraine is a challenge for the whole world – Zelensky
Ecocide in Ukraine is a challenge for the whole world – Zelensky

This is not just a Ukrainian problem, but a challenge for the whole world.

Ukraine called on the world to support the launch of the Global platform for the assessment of eco-damage from war
Ukraine called on the world to support the launch of the Global platform for the assessment of eco-damage from war

Russian aggression caused at least 33 million tons of carbon emissions

Internet users are killing the planet no less than airplanes
Internet users are killing the planet no less than airplanes

One Google search can create up to 7 grams of carbon emissions

Ukraine proposed to create an international tribunal on the crimes of the Russian Federation
Ukraine proposed to create an international tribunal on the crimes of the Russian Federation

The war forced Ukraine to look for new approaches in ensuring the responsibility of the aggressor country for environmental damage

The war caused tens of billions of hryvnias to the ecology of Kyiv region
The war caused tens of billions of hryvnias to the ecology of Kyiv region

The air of Kyiv suffered the most damage

The world celebrated a special day of environmental protection during wars
The world celebrated a special day of environmental protection during wars

Future generations will receive mutilated Ukrainian land

There are 50 years left before irreversible ecological changes: what everyone can do for the future
There are 50 years left before irreversible ecological changes: what everyone can do for the future

The TOP-10 tips that will help prevent irreversible environmental changes are named

Russia has violated all international commandments of nature conservation – Strilets
Russia has violated all international commandments of nature conservation – Strilets

Under the influence of negative actions, the environment undergoes irreparable changes

Paths will be sprinkled with an environmentally safe salt substitute in case of ice in Kyiv
Paths will be sprinkled with an environmentally safe salt substitute in case of ice in Kyiv

Salt and other anti-icing reagents have a bad effect on urban plants and are harmful to animals