Ukraine has joined the European LIFE program ЄП

Ukraine has joined the European LIFE program

Olena Yatseno

According to Strilets, the scale of this decision can be compared with Ukraine's accession to the EU

Ukraine has joined the European environmental protection program LIFE, under which it will be able to receive funding for the environment.

About it on the facebook page said the head of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Ruslan Strilets. 

He and EU Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginius Sinkevicius signed a corresponding document on participation in the LIFE program in Kyiv on Friday, June 24.

"For the Ministry of Environment, the scale of this decision can be compared with Ukraine's accession to the European Union," Strilets said.

The Minister explained that Ukraine needs this in order to preserve our biodiversity during the war, restore ecosystems, and prevent water and soil pollution.

"The budget of the program for 2021-2027 is about 5.4 billion euros. Ukraine can now submit its environmental projects and apply for part of these funds," said the head of the Ministry of Environment.

How the program works

For example, neighboring Poland submitted a project and received 10 million euros to clean the water intake of the Pilica River.

Belgium took the opportunity to fund waste management in Flanders and received an additional € 11 million.

France has allocated 7 million euros to improve water in the Pays de la Loire region alone.

Germany keeps a bird population for 12 million euros from LIFE.

These are just a few examples in 2021 alone. In just 30 years of the program, the European Union has supported about 5,500 projects.

Before EcoPolitics reported that Ukraine will have access to European environmental programs LIFE and Copernicus , which will help trace the effects of the war on the environment and help rebuild Ukraine after the destruction.

We will remind that the ex-deputy chairman of Ministry of Environment Irina Stavchuk told , why it is important for Ukraine to join the European program LIFE.

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