Garbage has been sorted in schools and kindergartens in Chernivtsi

Garbage has been sorted in schools and kindergartens in Chernivtsi

Katerina Belousova

Children will sort plastic, paper, glass, organic waste, as well as batteries

In Chernivtsi, waste sorting containers were installed in schools, kindergartens and after-school clubs to develop children's environmental awareness.

At Lyceum No. 4, 17 such containers were installed on each floor, reports C4.

The material emphasized that children are taught to properly sort waste and not to mix it. Now children can sort plastic, paper, glass and organic waste, as well as batteries.

Schoolchildren said that they used to throw everything into a common trash can. At the beginning of the school year, the teachers of the lyceum told the children about the importance and rules of sorting garbage, and also showed how to do it. However, for some children, this practice was not something new.

"When I was a child, I had three boxes at home. One for organics, the second for paper and the third for plastic," said Lyceum student Zlata.

It is noted that parents also supported the initiative.

The material explained that each school and kindergarten independently determines which containers are needed, such as plastic or cardboard, and their number.

"It is quite convenient that these containers are of a uniform color. If a child is used to the fact that green is the appropriate type of garbage in kindergarten, and then the child goes to school and he knows that the green container is for the same garbage. This way, the child gets used to it and then he there are no questions. She understands that paper must be stacked against paper, plastic against plastic, organic matter against organic matter, and the like," said Denis Krugletskyi, deputy head of the Education Department of the Chernivtsi City Council.

The Department of Education added that now, together with the Department of Transport, they are calling on companies engaged in waste removal to do it separately so that children can see that their efforts are not in vain.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, in July, Deputy Mayor of Chernivtsi Ihor Krokhmal said that they plan to introduce lessons on sorting garbage in kindergartens and community schools.

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