Students have created an SUV that runs entirely on solar energy in the Netherlands

Students have created an SUV that runs entirely on solar energy in the Netherlands

Katerina Belousova

The car has a range of 630 kilometers on a sunny day

In the Netherlands, the student team Solar Team Eindhoven from the Eindhoven University of Technology has developed the first SUV powered by solar energy thanks to a solar panel on the roof.

The car is independent of charging stations and can move both on paved roads and cross-country, reports Solar Team Eindhoven.

It is noted that in October cars, first of its kind will undergo large-scale tests, in particular in the Sahara desert.

The message said that the car has a maximum speed of 145 kilometers per hour. Its weight reaches 1200 kilograms and has a range of 630 kilometers on a sunny day.

"The Stella Terra must withstand the rigors of off-road conditions while remaining efficient and light enough to run off the sun. That's why we had to design almost everything for the Stella Terra ourselves, from the suspension to the inverters for the solar panels," said team leader Wisse Bos.

He emphasized that the car is five to ten years ahead of the current market.

"We are pushing the boundaries of technology. With Stella Terra, we want to demonstrate that the transition to a sustainable future gives reason for optimism and encourages individuals and companies to accelerate the energy transition," Bos added.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, in the Netherlands, students of the Delft Technical University developed a hydrogen car Eco-Runner XIII, which traveled 2488.45 km at a speed of 45 km/h on 950 g of hydrogen. The project entered the "Guinness Book of Records" for the longest distance.

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