A fire broke out at two garbage dumps near Cherkassy. Photo facebook.com/DSNSCHERKASY

A fire broke out at two garbage dumps near Cherkassy. Photo

Katerina Belousova

The cause of the fires was careless handling of fire

In the Cherkasy district on Tuesday, August 22, in the village of Chervona Sloboda, a fire broke out on an area of ​​400 square meters at the solid waste landfill.

A similar fire broke out in the Zolotoni district on an area of ​​300 square meters, reports the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Cherkasy region on Facebook.


It is noted that the forces of the 1st and 3rd state fire-rescue units, as well as local fire-rescue teams from the villages of Chervona Sloboda, Leska and Verguna, were involved in extinguishing the fire in Chervona Sloboda.


The report said that the second fire in the administrative boundaries of the Novodmitrivsk Territorial Community is being eliminated by the rescuers of the 8th state fire and rescue unit and the equipment of KP "Misky Vodokanal".

" The cause of the fires was careless handling of fire. Liquidation continues," the press service emphasized.

As you know, landfill fires cause significant damage to the environment and human health. After all, during the burning of garbage, a number of dangerous substances and carcinogenic compounds are released into the air, including benzopyrene, dioxins, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, etc.

Recall, in July 2023 near Rivne, a landfill fire broke out,probably due to the spontaneous ignition of methane landfill gas.

As previously reported by EcoPolitics, on August 21, the second fire in two days broke out in the Mykolaiv Oblast in the Andriivsky forest tract.

A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne
A garbage dump caught fire near Rivne

Firefighters were notified of the fire today at 08:22

14 forest fires rage in Kharkiv region, most of them caused by Russian shelling
14 forest fires rage in Kharkiv region, most of them caused by Russian shelling

Mines and unexploded ammunition add to the difficulties in the fight against them

In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours
In Transcarpathia, rescuers eliminated a large-scale forest fire for 6 hours

125 people and 17 pieces of equipment were involved